SoftRescue Pro Edition

Stop TSR's and startup programs From Booting.

How to optimize your computer start with taking certain steps that will increase your PC perfprmance. In this post I will explain how to stop TSR's and startup programs from botting when you first turn on your computer.
(Just follow the step by step instructions below)

When your computer is running slow the first thing to check is to see how many TSR's or startup programs, (programs that start up and load when you first turn on your computer), are running in the background. Each TSR uses some of your memory (RAM).

If you have a lot of TSR's/startup programs running they can use up so much of your memory that there is not enough left to efficiently run all of the other programs and your operating system. When a certain amount of your memory is in use the computer starts accessing your hard drive directly for the files it needs to run the programs. This process is call virtual memory.

When your system starts using virtual memory what it does is looks at your RAM memory and looks for the least used programs running in the RAM memory and makes a space on your hard drive then copies that program as paging files to your hard drive. From then on it accesses that program from your hard drive. Reading and writing from your hard drive is incredibly slow compared to reading and writing from RAM and uses up your cpu more often to transfer and executed the files.

To give you an idea, A millisecond (ms) is one thousandth of a second. nanosecond (ns) is one billionth of a second.

Average access time of a typical hard drive is roughly 8.5 milliseconds.

It takes an average CPU 200ns (nanoseconds) to access information stored in RAM, compared to 12,000,000 nanoseconds to access the same information from your hard drive.

Once your computer starts using Virtual memory your system starts slowing down.

It doesn't take long to use up your RAM if you have the bare minimum. Windows XP alone uses 64MB of Ram when it loaded and it recommended you have 128MB Ram To efficiently run windows XP. If you run internet explorer 7 you can be using as much as 50-80MB of ram depending on your plug ins you have and the web page your browsing. Every program you use will use some of your RAM. Microsoft word will use more RAM when you run it, then when you open a document that will take up more RAM. Opening Photos takes up RAM, Your anti virus program, Yahoo, Aim, Your internet provider program all Takes up Ram.

Today 2GB of RAM is barely sufficient. This can be one of the causes for your computer running slow.
What you can do about this to get the most out of the RAM you have is keep checking what TSR's are running in the background and stop them from running at startup and just run them when you need them.

1: Click on START on the bottom left of your desktop.

2: Then click RUN. The RUN box will open.

3: Type: msconfig then hit enter.

You will see another box open. System Configuration Utility.

You will see tabs on the top. Click the STARTUP tab.

Now inside the box all the startup programs are listed that is running in the background and there will be a small box to the left you can check or uncheck. All boxes with a check in it are the programs running and starting when you turn on your computer.

Uncheck all programs you can recognize, for instance if you see yahoo, Aim, adobe reader, limewire,etc.
uncheck them if you absolutely don't need them running as soon as you turn your computer on.

By unchecking these programs your not deleting them or uninstalling them. All your doing is stopping them from loading at startup and running in the background. You can start these programs manually any time by going to START, PROGRAMS, and clicking on it or click on the shortcut icon on your desktop when you need to use the program.

If your not sure what the program is don't uncheck it. It may be your virus scanner program, which is one of the very few you always want to start up when you turn on your computer.

You can get a hint to what the program is by looking to the right of the program name, you will see a line starting like "C:\program files\..." reading that can give you a idea of what the
program is. If your not sure, leave it, find someone to help you out.

Unchecking  all of the programs will not harm your computer or cause it not to run. But if you have anti virus programs you do want them starting when you turn your computer on so it is protected.

After you uncheck the boxes you wanted not to run, click Apply then click Close.

Next box that will popup will ask you if you want to Restart your computer.

Click Restart.

Your computer will reboot to activate the changes. When it comes back on. There will be a box that pops up telling you there were changes made. There is a check box in this box,  you need to put a check in it so you wont see this box every time you turn your computer on. Then click OK.

If you uncheck alot of TSR's you should notice your computer booted faster.

Your done with this step.

Stop startup programs from running in the background (Video)

Video Coming Soon

Important Note! It is vital to keep your windows operating system updated. To many people don't keep thier windows updated and this gives malware, viruses, and attacks the opportunity to infect or gain access to your system. Further more all programs you installed on your computer you should also keep those updated. Attackers use any weakness in windows or software to gain access to your computer.

Links To My Other Computer Help Webpages.

How to Speed Up My Computer
How to Optimize Your Computer
Useful 100% Free Software